On 25th of May 2018, the New General Data Protection Regulation came into force, implementing more responsibilities in the processing of the personal data of users of digital platforms.

We believe that transparency is crucial in the relationship with our customers, therefore, at DIMAS & SILVA, LDA we are committed to respecting privacy and protecting your personal data.


The protection of privacy and personal data is a primary commitment of DIMAS & SILVA, LDA.

We recommend that you read the company's Privacy Policy and its updates.


DIMAS & SILVA, LDA. is responsible for collecting and processing your personal data.

3. PERSONAL DATA: Holders of Personal Data, Categories, Purpose and Duration of Processing

What is personal data?
when we have obtained your express consent - in writing, orally or by approving an option - and in advance if that consent is free, informed, specific and clear;

Who are the holders of personal data?
when the processing of personal data is necessary for the conclusion, execution and management of a contract signed with DIMAS & SILVA, LDA, for example: requests for information, preparation of a proposal for services or purchase and sale, provision of services or purchase and sale, contact management, complaints, invoicing, collection or payments;

What categories of personal data do we process?

Consent: when we have obtained your express consent - in writing, orally or by approving an option - and in advance if that consent is free, informed, specific and clear;
Pre-contractual acts and execution of contracts: when the processing of personal data is necessary for the conclusion, execution and management of a contract signed with DIMAS & SILVA, LDA, for example: requests for information, preparation of a proposal for services or purchase and sale, provision of services or purchase and sale, contact management, complaints, invoicing, collection or payments;

In which situations do we process your personal data?

Consent: when we have obtained your express consent - in writing, orally or by approving an option - and in advance if that consent is free, informed, specific and clear;

Pre-contractual acts and execution of contracts: when the processing of personal data is necessary for the conclusion, execution and management of a contract signed with DIMAS & SILVA, LDA, for example: requests for information, preparation of a proposal for services or purchase and sale, provision of services or purchase and sale, contact management, complaints, invoicing, collection or payments;

Compliance with legal obligations: when the processing of personal data is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation that DIMAS & SILVA, LDA must comply with, for example: communication of data to police, judicial, tax or regulatory entities - when there is a legal or contractual obligation to comply with, failure to provide personal data may lead to non-compliance with the obligation in question;

Legitimate interest: when the processing of personal data corresponds to a legitimate interest of DIMAS & SILVA, LDA or third parties, for example, to increase the quality of service, fraud detection or the reasons for its use must prevail over the rights of the data subjects.

For what purposes do we process your personal data?
We process personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the defined purpose or, if applicable, until the right to object, the right to be forgotten or the withdrawal of consent is exercised. Once the retention period has elapsed, the data will be deleted or made anonymous, provided it is not necessary to keep it for another purpose.

Examples of purposes:

Customer management: Management of contacts, information or requests, management of complaints, management of invoicing, collection and payments, communications within the scope of the contractual relationship.

Accounting, tax and administrative management: Accounting, invoicing, commission management, tax information, including sending information to the tax authorities.

Litigation Management: Judicial and extrajudicial charge and management of other conflicts.

How long do we process and keep personal data?
In certain cases, the law requires that data be processed and kept for a minimum period, such as 10 (ten) years for data needed to inform the Tax Authority for tax or accounting purposes or 7 (seven) years with the aim of combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

When there is no specific legal obligation, the data will only be processed for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected and stored, in accordance with the law and the guidelines and decisions of the CNPD.

We will process and keep your personal data for as long as you maintain a contractual relationship.

We may keep other personal data for periods longer than the duration of the contractual relationship, if you give your consent, to ensure rights or duties derived from the contract, by virtue of legitimate interests that justify it, but always for the period strictly necessary to fulfil the inherent purposes and in compliance with the guidelines and decisions of the CNPD.

We collect personal data with your consent or within the scope of commercial relations established with DIMAS & SILVA, LDA.

The data may be collected orally, in writing or via the DIMAS & SILVA, LDA. website


Right of access to information: the right to obtain confirmation of what personal data is being processed and information about it, such as the purposes for which it is being processed, storage periods, etc.

The right to see/hear or obtain a copy: for example, of invoices, written agreements or calls in which you are involved and which are recorded.

Right of rectification: the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data or to request that incomplete personal data be completed, such as address, VAT number, email address, telephone contact details, etc.

Right to delete data: the right to have personal data erased if there are no valid grounds for retaining it, such as when it is necessary to retain it to fulfil a legal obligation or because legal proceedings are underway.

Right to portability: the right to receive the data you have provided us with in a commonly used and machine-readable digital format, to request the direct transmission of your data to another entity that will become the new responsible for your personal data, if technically possible.

Right to withdraw consent or right to object: the right to object or withdraw your consent at any time, provided that legitimate interests do not outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, such as the defence of a right in legal proceedings.

Right of Limitation: the right to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data by suspending processing or limiting the scope of processing to certain categories of data or processing purposes.

Right not to be subject to automated individual decisions: the right to request not to be subject to any decision taken solely on the basis of automated processing related to the definition of consumer profiles based on your tastes, interests and preferences, search or purchase history.

Right to complain: besides being able to complain to DIMAS & SILVA, LDA you can also submit a complaint to the CNPD.

How can you exercise your rights?

Information must be provided in writing but, if requested, may be provided orally.

DIMAS & SILVA, LDA will verify the identity of the person requesting the information by means other than oral.

Requests must be answered within a maximum of 30 days, unless the request is particularly complex.

Please contact us at the following address:


Under what circumstances is your personal data communicated to other entities, subcontractors or third parties?

Whenever necessary, DIMAS & SILVA, LDA may transmit personal data to third parties - for example, partner companies or freight carriers - solely and exclusively for the purpose of carrying out a contracted service, such as home delivery of a product, taking the necessary contractual measures to ensure that subcontractors respect and protect the personal data transmitted. Personal data may also be communicated, in compliance with the law, to State entities such as the Tax Authority.


This Privacy Policy may be reviewed and updated.